Tessellation Kit

Introducing the Tessellation Kit. It’s a tool that lets you draw tessellations by pushing the edges of shapes into each other.


Just click on the canvas and drag the mouse around to extend a shape, and mathematics will take care of the rest. There a few buttons that let you change the shape of the tiles and the colors you are working with and a toggle for changing how the shape repeats.

Together they make it pretty easy to make something like this:


Despite it’s simplicity, it can do quite a lot. I used it to recreate this Alhambra tiling:

alhumbra teshumbra

And this interlocking pattern  that Wikipedia tells me is ‘painted porcelain, china’:



The color schemes are generated completely randomly, so I’m sorry if you have to go through a few duds until you find one you like. I quite enjoy the feeling of finding a nice one that’s completely unique, so I didn’t want to just provide a few preset themes, or a simple generator that didn’t provide enough variety.

If you start getting serious, you might want to know that there are a few hotkeys and hidden features:

  • ~ or h hide the controls
  • z undo
  • x redo
  • e export to png
  • -/+ zoom
  • 1-5 operate individual controls.

2 thoughts on “Tessellation Kit

  1. Man you are great!

    I dreamed of doing stuff like that for a long time but never had time to sit down and do it. and if I did I probably would not have do something as good as your applications.
    They are great. my students (11 to 13 years old) loved playing with tessellation and fractals

    A big big thanks as you also give me courage to scratch your apps in scratch

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